Ankle braces, also known as ankle foot orthoses, are supports that are designed to provide stability, decrease any pain, and increase mobility for patients. Ankle braces are recommended for a wide variety of reasons, and any type of ankle bracing used will depend on the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal issue that is specifically related to the patient. These are some of the key things you should consider when you are trying to choose the right ankle brace that will also be comfortable when wearing orthopedic shoes.


First, you should determine whether the existing pain or lack of mobility that someone is going through is because of an injury that they sustained or because of pathology. Having injury-based pain means that an otherwise able-bodied person has suffered an injury that makes it painful for them to walk or has impacted their mobility somehow. Next, you will need to figure out the degree of the injury and how much pain or immobility the patient has as a result of this injury, this will help determine what type of ankle brace to select. 


One other reason that patients might need an ankle brace is because of pathology. This means the ankle pain or lack of movement is a result of an ongoing health issue. Patients that need an ankle brace because of pathology include those that have suffered from a stroke, have cerebral palsy, Charcot-Marie-tooth disease or posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, as a few examples. In these situations, a comprehensive neuromuscular and biomechanical assessment will be needed in order to determine the appropriate type of ankle bracing. 

How is the Brace going to be used?

One other factor that should be considered when choosing an ankle brace is how it will be used. Consider the patient’s lifestyle and goals for their ankle brace. For example, what activity will the brace be used for? If the patient plans on participating in certain sports, this can impact the decision to choose the correct design for that specific application. It’s also important to consider what the patient wants the ankle brace to do. Ankle braces can give patients increased motion, restrict it, provide compression, give overall stability, and help prevent pain.

Devices that are Custom-measured

For patients who have acute injuries, you will typically want a custom-measured device. Custom-measured devices come in standard sizes, and they can be modified to fit your body and medical needs. Since they are usually off the shelf, they might be ready quicker than that of a custom-made device. They will also be measured to ensure you can still wear your orthopedic shoes when walking around Edmonton.

Custom-made Devices

For patients who have pathology-related needs, a custom-made device is usually recommended. Custom-made braces need a 3D positive model of the body part. This is done by either taking a cast or a high-resolution optical scan. Using the exact measurements from this model, a CAD design will be created of the device and then it will be fabricated in a lab. You will need to call Trinity Home Medical for a fitting appointment and ensure that it functions and fits correctly. Next, you will likely need a follow-up appointment to make sure that everything is going smoothly.